Steven Nake
Head of Smallholder and Socioeconomic Research










Steven Nake is the Head of Smallholder and Socioeconomic Research (SSR) section. His primary role involves coordinating research and extension services in the smallholder sector and leading a team of researchers and field officers in conducting research to improve productivity, strengthening economic and social well-being of the smallholder households.

Steven started his career with Coffee Research Institute (now CIC) as an Agronomist from 1999-2003. His role involved managing coffee multi-locational trials, crop forecasting, deriving fertiliser requirements for coffee plantations and smallholders, laying out field experiments and data analysis and reporting.

In March 2003, Steven joined PNGOPRA in Popondetta and in charge of managing agronomy trials in Popondetta and Milne Bay. He was transferred to Milne Bay in August 2006 and was there until February 2007, when he left for post graduate studies at James Cook University, Australia. Upon completion of his studies in 2009, he was transferred to Dami WNB, and took over responsibilities of managing Agronomy trials in NBPOL and Hargy Oil Palms. He assumed that role until March 2015 when he was appointed to head the new Smallholder and Socioeconomic Research section.

Steven currently holds a MSc in Soil Chemistry from James Cook University Australia and the Bachelor in Agriculture Science from PNG University of Technology.